torstai 4. syyskuuta 2014

Algarrobo Día 1

Moikka! Long time no see... Mutta nyt täällä ollaan ja kerron mun ensimmäisestä viikonlopusta (jollei saapumisviikonloppua lasketa) täällä Chilessä. Kyseessä oli vieläpä pidennetty viikonloppu, perjantai oli vapaa. Lähdettiin torstaina koulun jälkeen hostperheen kanssa ajelemaan Algarroboon, rantakaupunkiin (en tiedä onko oikea termi, ranta siellä kumminkin oli) jossa hosteilla on asunto. Mulla on sieltä aika paljon kuvia joten kerron reissusta kahdessa osassa. Tästä lähtee!

Hello! Long time no see... But here I am and I'm going to tell you about my first weekend (not counting the weekend I arrived) here in Chile. It was luckily also an extended weekend, Friday was a free day from school. After school on thursday we left for Algarrobo with my hostfamily, a beach which is about an hour and a half drive from Peñalolén. I have quite a lot of fotos from there so this will be in two parts. Here we go! view photo algarrobo1_zps90aeb22d.jpg

algarrobo photo alga2_zps1700e7fc.jpg

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Tällasiin maisemiin herättiin perjantai-aamuna.
This was the view on Friday morning as we woke up.

desayuno photo desayunoo_zps1d95394d.jpg
D E S A Y U N O.

arvol photo edrftghyuj_zpsb2417c07.jpg

floraaa photo floraaa_zpsf5e1b9eb.jpg

pineappletree photo pineappletree_zpse9fb5992.jpg

garden photo gardeeen_zps8b560cff.jpg

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Mentiin hostsiskojen kanssa aamulla kävelylle pihalle.
We went for a walk in the yard with my hostsisters.

monopolyy photo cards_zps5030b8ca.jpg
Pelattiin hostsisarusten kanssa monopolya, en ollut hirmuhyvä kun en oikein tajunnut mitä kaikki oli mutta Elisa (vanhempi hostsisko) kertoi aina mitä kannattaa ostaa ja mitä ei niin pärjäsin ihan hyvin!

We played monopoly with my hostsilings and I wasn't very good because I didn't understand what things were... But Elisa, my older hostsister told me what I should and shouldn't buy so I did fine!

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Pablo ei halunnut kuvaan...
Pablo didn't want to be in the photo...

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A very bad quality photo of us (taken by Pablo haha) because it was so dark and we didn't use flash. But here are me, mi hermana Elisa, otro hermana Eliana and Eliana's friend Jesu who came with us.
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A L F A J O R E S <3 They're very common here and I love them. It's like this type of cookie which has manjar (other very Chilean thing. Manjar is like caramel but it's more like a jelly and chileans put it everywhere... Me encanta!) in between and they're covered with chocolate. Perfection.
donuts photo kaumlsitoumlitauml_zps8ed11cf8.jpg
Other cool things. We went to this park kind of thing where people sold things they had made.
con amorr photo conamor_zps6fd68176.jpg

sea shells photo algarrobooo_zpscb51dd74.jpg

churritooos photo churros_zpsd4f03aad.jpg
C H U R R O S <3 If you don't know what they are, you to either google it or watch the "Los Serranos". In Spain they are "Churros con Chocolate" I believe. But here they are ofcourse: "Churros con Manjar".

jugo photo jugooo_zps3b0236dc.jpg

jugovdhbsxjn photo smoothieee_zpsf79eff1b.jpg
Afterwards we went and grabbed some fresh "jugo", juice, and headed back at the apartment. I had a superfun day and got to know everyone better. I will write about the second day tomorrow, now I must go to sleep. Buenas noches!


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