maanantai 22. syyskuuta 2014

Dunkin' Donuts with Elisa, Tami and Pablo

The day we came back from Algarrobo, we left with Elisa to pick up Tami, my hostcousin, from her house. We stayed to say hello to my other hostcousin, her baby-sister Pepa who is the cutest thing in the world! Pepa  photo pepaaa_zps49861d6b.jpg

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Hermanas. Sisters. Siskokset.
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My cutest baby-cousin Pepa <3
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Dunkin' Donuts OMG why we don't have that in Finland it's an injustice!?
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Me, Pablo (we picked him up after Tami from the bus station, he had to come by bus from Algarrobo because there wasn't enough space in the car...), Tami and Elisa at Dunkin' Donuts. I took the Boston MANJAR obviously ;) Me encanta manjar!
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We went to the Pharmasy afterwards with Elisa and I just had to take a picture.
Finns look at what I found IN  LATINOAMERICA, CHILE !! Go Finland!
Suomalaiset kattokaa mitä löysin LATINALAISESTA AMERIKASTA, CHILESTÄ !! Go Finland!

This was a really casual post of nothing special but I have soooo many pictures and posts coming, so much has happened I'm way back on my schedule, I just wanted to introduce you to Tami and Pepa and share a casual evening with you.


2 kommenttia:

  1. Dunkin' Donuts on tulossa Suomeen kai tän vuoden aikana tai sit ens vuonna(;

  2. oijoi mun kehittyvä addiktio on siis hoidossa <3 vaikka sieltä ei varmaan saa Boston Manjaria... (sadface)
