Lots of people! Everyones parents and some grandparents too all eating chilean berbeque food together, whatching peopledance queca or dancing it (a nacional dance in chile) or just sosiolizing and listening to music.
There were A LOT of children. Some had really pretty nacional dresses as the girl other girl in the photo and you can see one in the background too.
And this little curlyhaired charmer just craved to be in the photo for his cuteness if nothing else.
And her. I don't know her but this is my favourite photo of the whole event. Een though I don't normally agree with dolling up your children, but here it's a part of the culture here and she looks absolutely beautiful. Why are all chilean kids so damn cute? I was disgussing this with my hostfamily one day and I said without thinking: "Ohh I really want a chilean baby they're so much more cuter than finnish babies!" and got a worried look from my hostmama and -sister who immediately said: "No Maaru not just yet okay?". I didn't mean that I want a chilean baby of my own, just A chilean baby!
Chicas <3
The guys playing with a string attatched between 2 trees. I tried too later on.
More girls from my school <3
Coni, Javi y la Cata. Bubbles.
Someóne had brought a little hamster to the school in a boxand it was sooo scared I felt so bad for him.
This photo isn't actually taken by me, it was taken by a ex-student named Nacho, who's really into photography and I got to know him at this event. I left my camera to him and he'd taken this photo of Coni and I love it so I'm jut gonna use it ;) I'll ask him later!
And that concludes my post from the 18 Chico at my school in September (and yes I know that now it's like December, I'm kind of late but I hope I'll get somehow up these posts and keep uploading at least some content, I have so much to write about and so many photos coming!)
Yah, besitooos
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