It was a really surreal feeling to see my host-family walk down the street after imagining the moment for about half a year... I recognized them immediatly and started running out of the building half screaming and hugged and kissed all af them on the cheek, as the Chilean way is. I was so excited and hyper at the time, that as my host-father told me "Bienvenidos! (=welcome!)", I replayed repeating "Bienvenidos! Oh no, wait I mean... Encantada! (=Nice to meet you!)". Great start Maaru! Welcoming someone to their own country.
Soon we took off and drove to Las Pircas, Peñalolen, where I will live for the next 11 months. We carried my luggage upstairs to the room that I will be sharing with my 17-year-old host-sister, Eliana and had some coffee. Afterwards I went for a walk with Eliana, my 21-year-old host-sister Elisa and the family dog Princesa. I took my camera along so here are a few photos from there, I hope you enjoy!
Oh and I was told that that day was a "horrible day" so the sky isn't the clearest but in my opinion the view was still amazing and exotic! (Sorry for everyone frm Finland who would like to read in finnish, sori tänään oli kiire joten oli helpointa kirjoittaa vain suoraan englanniksi!)
Blogger didn't like me today... But I have to do something else now so
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