Okay. If you're wondering what exactly is "retiro" I shall explain. My host-sister explained that the term isn't official so don't try googling it, but in this case it means a religious (catolic) camp i went to with my classmates for a weekend. It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly it wasn't very different compared to the confirmacion camps (or weekend-camps after confirmating) we have in Finland. I got to know my classmates better, didn't sleep much, got to act as one of my school mates as he acted as me (unfortunately I haven't got any photos, taking pictures was forbidded, but it was priceless.), laughed a lot and took lots of photos.
I also learned that chileans are very... affectionate. I don't know how to word that better but they hug a lot and it's also very normal to for example stroke or pet someones hair, arm, leg or whatever. It doesn't matter if you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend (or as the chileans would say, polola or pololo) you equally can be close to other girls or boys, apparently not making your significant other jealous. I guess either finns are really jealous or just really afraid of physical contact. Don't get me wrong, I consider myself a very... affectionate person too. I like to hug and be close to people and it's normal with my friends in Finland too to just lie on eachothers lap too without it being weird, and I don't mind this here either, but here they just are ALL very comfortable sharing their own personal space with others. Cultural differences! Thats why I'm here, learning about stuff like this,and so far so good, I love the culture. Just beware finnish people, I'll be even more loving and toutchy than before when I come back!
The first 5 million photos are from the 2 hour bus ride on the Friday-night that we all left for the Retiro. They're all really bad quality and taken with flash which makes everyone look horrible. I also made an observasion that all the people with ojos caffe (brown eyes) look way better in the photos taken with flash than the few ones like me who have ojos claro (clear eyes like blue or green). So unfair!
More bad quality photos! The people here really love the camera as you probably can tell... These photos are from when we just arrived at the place the Retiro was kept.
Better quality photos! We went out the next day to take photos with the girls and they're all so beautiful with gorgeous hair I cannot take it my poor self-esteem... From left to right on the top are Monse (Monserrat) taking a photo, myself and Cami (Camila). On the row below are Feña (Fernanda), Vale (Valeria) and Cata (Catalina) and me in the last picture.
Mi Comunidad, ComuniBarneyyyy <3 Everyone in the school (keep in mind that it's a catolic school) who wants to confirmate is divided into these groups, comunities. We meet almost every friday after school (I'll take my camera some time) and just hang out for couple of hours and it's super fun! Usually there's some type of topic we're discussing that day and we also pray. Everyone holds hands and the leaders (students from university) talk and everyone has a freedom to speak up and pray or thank for something which I think is nice.. Some people have actually really opened up and spoken of really important things in their life. My first time in the community (when they made me jump up and down in the middle with only one foot and say things about myself in spanish, and this was when I couldn't speak almost anything yet) one girl in my community actually prayed FOR ME. That was actually incredible, I didn't know her at that point almost at all but she's such a nice person and gesture that it almost made me cry. If you read this some day, tell me. I just had to write it, such an amazing thing to do to someone who was practically a stranger at the time , te quiero <3
Crazy girls in the car! We were supposed to return back to the school with the bus just like the journey to the retiro too, but we didn't fit to the bus... So we had to go back with the car of one of the volunteers. From Left to right Cami, Feña, me and Cata.
At the school yard waiting for either the church to start, or getting picked up by your parents. In the first photo you can see the tall guy in the middle, his name is Nico and he is in the U (university) and one of the leaders in my community. The girl with the red scarf who is in all of the pictures is Cata haha :D
Monse, Cata, me and Feña <3
Latin Musicaaa:
Arenalina - Wisin ft. Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin
Voy A Beber - Nicky Jam
Darte Un Beso - Prince Royce
tiistai 30. syyskuuta 2014
keskiviikko 24. syyskuuta 2014
WARNING: This post is in finnish, so if you are not finnish and you want to read, go ahead and use Google Translator. It may not translate all because I use more casual language and slagwords at some parts, but the idea should translate. But also I warn you that some parts of the post are only targted for finnish people to understand, you may not understand the idea if you're not a finn. Haha the next post will be in english so no te preocupes... Attleast you can CHECK OUT the music at the end! Enjoy!
Haha mua nyt vaan naurattaa se että kuinka tyhmältä toi otsikko näyttää kenen tahansa ei-suomalaisen mielestä... Chileläiset (ja varmaan ketkä tahansa muutkin espanjaa puhuvat) lukisivat ton ääneen jotekin näin: "opahamishia". Yritin tänään koulussa opettaa mun kaveria sanomaan "Hyvää yötä!". Alkoi sujua pikkuhiljaa paremmin mutta lopussakin kun sanoin että "si, si mas o menos esta bien!" se kuulosti tältä: "hjuva jyotha". Myönnän, suomenkieli on vaikeaa, ollaan siis ylpeitä tästä salakielestä mikä me ollaan saatu äidinkielenä, muita kieliä voi aina opetella ja englannilla pärjää aika pitkälle myös!
Mulla ei siis oikeasti ole mitään tiettyä aihetta, kunhan kirjoittelen suomeksi koska tulevissa postauksissa on NIIIIN paljon kuvia ja ne vie enemmän aikaa...
Olen nyt ollut täällä Santiago de Chilessä 1kk ja 15 päivää. En oikein tiedä mitä ajatella.
Mulla ei ole juurikaan koti-ikävää. Kuulostaa kamalalta sanoa niin, ja muistan kuinka ihmettelin ennen omaa lähtöäni muita vaihtareita jotka sanoivat niin mutta se on totta. Ei täällä ole aikaa ikävöidä tai surra juttuja mitä Suomessa "missaa". Mulla on asiat tosi hyvin täällä (olen kai aika onnekas). Mun hostperhe on maailman parhain ollut alusta lähtien. Mut on otettu vastaan uutena perheenjäsenenä eikä vaan jonain randomina joka nyt asuu vuoden täällä. Teen kotona juttuja muiden tavoin ja meen mukana siinä missä muutkin sisarukset.
Kiusaan PIKKUveljeä (Elisa if the google translator doesn't translate that properly I mean "mi hermano MAS chico que yo") takaisin kun se kiusaa mua (meillä on siis 1v eroa teoriassa, Pablo on syntynyt 98 ja mä 97). Viime perjantaina sillä oli synttärit, joten ollaan 16-vuotiaita molemmat nyt seuraavat 3kk ennen mun synttäreitä marraskuussa, ja tilanne on vakava sillä se on mua yli päätä pidempi ja jaksaa muistuttaa joka päivä olevansa 16v myös... Eliana on jo alkanut sanoa että "mä en kestä 16-vuotiaita selvittäkää omat sotkunne mä pysyn erossa tästä!"
Elisa mun vanhin sisko on yliopistossa ja se on jo 21v mutta ei vaikuta siltä yhtään! Se itsekin sano että se on Pablon ja Elianan seurassa kun joku 15-vuotias mikä on just hauskaa, se ei ikinä tärkeile yhtään sillä et se on vanhempi. Ainoo ero on ehkä se että se saa ottaa vaikka oluen jääkaapista jos se haluaa ja se voi toimii kuskina meille muille mikä on siistiä. Elisa kans samoin kun Eliana jaksaa neuvoo mua kun mulla on mun tyhmiä kysymyksiä, ja korjata mun kökköespanjaa kun teen samoja virheitä uudestaan ja uudestaan... Ja lainaa vaatteitaan ja saan käyttää sen kynsilakkoja joita on suunnilleen miljoona kun haluan ;)
These are all songs that are played non-stop here, in carretes (parties), recreos (breaks in school), car journeys, the radio, in my head... Everywhere. Enjoy!
Travesuras - Nicky Jam (The first song I learned the words for, even though I dont understand all the words and I also know I don't really want to understand the meaning of the words)
Bailando - Enrique Iglesias
Haha mua nyt vaan naurattaa se että kuinka tyhmältä toi otsikko näyttää kenen tahansa ei-suomalaisen mielestä... Chileläiset (ja varmaan ketkä tahansa muutkin espanjaa puhuvat) lukisivat ton ääneen jotekin näin: "opahamishia". Yritin tänään koulussa opettaa mun kaveria sanomaan "Hyvää yötä!". Alkoi sujua pikkuhiljaa paremmin mutta lopussakin kun sanoin että "si, si mas o menos esta bien!" se kuulosti tältä: "hjuva jyotha". Myönnän, suomenkieli on vaikeaa, ollaan siis ylpeitä tästä salakielestä mikä me ollaan saatu äidinkielenä, muita kieliä voi aina opetella ja englannilla pärjää aika pitkälle myös!
Mulla ei siis oikeasti ole mitään tiettyä aihetta, kunhan kirjoittelen suomeksi koska tulevissa postauksissa on NIIIIN paljon kuvia ja ne vie enemmän aikaa...
Olen nyt ollut täällä Santiago de Chilessä 1kk ja 15 päivää. En oikein tiedä mitä ajatella.
Mulla ei ole juurikaan koti-ikävää. Kuulostaa kamalalta sanoa niin, ja muistan kuinka ihmettelin ennen omaa lähtöäni muita vaihtareita jotka sanoivat niin mutta se on totta. Ei täällä ole aikaa ikävöidä tai surra juttuja mitä Suomessa "missaa". Mulla on asiat tosi hyvin täällä (olen kai aika onnekas). Mun hostperhe on maailman parhain ollut alusta lähtien. Mut on otettu vastaan uutena perheenjäsenenä eikä vaan jonain randomina joka nyt asuu vuoden täällä. Teen kotona juttuja muiden tavoin ja meen mukana siinä missä muutkin sisarukset.
Kiusaan PIKKUveljeä (Elisa if the google translator doesn't translate that properly I mean "mi hermano MAS chico que yo") takaisin kun se kiusaa mua (meillä on siis 1v eroa teoriassa, Pablo on syntynyt 98 ja mä 97). Viime perjantaina sillä oli synttärit, joten ollaan 16-vuotiaita molemmat nyt seuraavat 3kk ennen mun synttäreitä marraskuussa, ja tilanne on vakava sillä se on mua yli päätä pidempi ja jaksaa muistuttaa joka päivä olevansa 16v myös... Eliana on jo alkanut sanoa että "mä en kestä 16-vuotiaita selvittäkää omat sotkunne mä pysyn erossa tästä!"
Elisa mun vanhin sisko on yliopistossa ja se on jo 21v mutta ei vaikuta siltä yhtään! Se itsekin sano että se on Pablon ja Elianan seurassa kun joku 15-vuotias mikä on just hauskaa, se ei ikinä tärkeile yhtään sillä et se on vanhempi. Ainoo ero on ehkä se että se saa ottaa vaikka oluen jääkaapista jos se haluaa ja se voi toimii kuskina meille muille mikä on siistiä. Elisa kans samoin kun Eliana jaksaa neuvoo mua kun mulla on mun tyhmiä kysymyksiä, ja korjata mun kökköespanjaa kun teen samoja virheitä uudestaan ja uudestaan... Ja lainaa vaatteitaan ja saan käyttää sen kynsilakkoja joita on suunnilleen miljoona kun haluan ;)
Eliana on mua vuotta vanhempi (tai se on 97 syntynyt alkuvuodesta eli Suomessa oltaisiin samalla luokalla mutta täällä se on vuotta ylemmällä) ja meillä on yhteinen huone. Se on mun tukipilari täällä, kestää kaikki mun tyhmimmätkin kysymykset vaikka sen pitäis opiskella tai mitä ikinä, kertoo just rehellisesti mielipiteensä ja mitä teen tyhmästi, mitä ehkä Suomesta kaipaan. Ollaan ihan samanlaisia huoneen siistinä pitämisessä, lue: se ei pysy siistinä. Eliana oli siis nyt vaihdossa Suomessa edellisen vuoden!
Eli in conclusion, mulla on ehkä maailman parhaat hostsisarukset ja -perhe <3 These are all songs that are played non-stop here, in carretes (parties), recreos (breaks in school), car journeys, the radio, in my head... Everywhere. Enjoy!
Travesuras - Nicky Jam (The first song I learned the words for, even though I dont understand all the words and I also know I don't really want to understand the meaning of the words)
Bailando - Enrique Iglesias
maanantai 22. syyskuuta 2014
Dunkin' Donuts with Elisa, Tami and Pablo
The day we came back from Algarrobo, we left with Elisa to pick up Tami, my hostcousin, from her house. We stayed to say hello to my other hostcousin, her baby-sister Pepa who is the cutest thing in the world!
Hermanas. Sisters. Siskokset.
My cutest baby-cousin Pepa <3
Dunkin' Donuts OMG why we don't have that in Finland it's an injustice!?
Me, Pablo (we picked him up after Tami from the bus station, he had to come by bus from Algarrobo because there wasn't enough space in the car...), Tami and Elisa at Dunkin' Donuts. I took the Boston MANJAR obviously ;) Me encanta manjar!
We went to the Pharmasy afterwards with Elisa and I just had to take a picture.
Finns look at what I found IN LATINOAMERICA, CHILE !! Go Finland!
Suomalaiset kattokaa mitä löysin LATINALAISESTA AMERIKASTA, CHILESTÄ !! Go Finland!
This was a really casual post of nothing special but I have soooo many pictures and posts coming, so much has happened I'm way back on my schedule, I just wanted to introduce you to Tami and Pepa and share a casual evening with you.
Hermanas. Sisters. Siskokset.
My cutest baby-cousin Pepa <3
Dunkin' Donuts OMG why we don't have that in Finland it's an injustice!?
Me, Pablo (we picked him up after Tami from the bus station, he had to come by bus from Algarrobo because there wasn't enough space in the car...), Tami and Elisa at Dunkin' Donuts. I took the Boston MANJAR obviously ;) Me encanta manjar!
We went to the Pharmasy afterwards with Elisa and I just had to take a picture.
Finns look at what I found IN LATINOAMERICA, CHILE !! Go Finland!
Suomalaiset kattokaa mitä löysin LATINALAISESTA AMERIKASTA, CHILESTÄ !! Go Finland!
This was a really casual post of nothing special but I have soooo many pictures and posts coming, so much has happened I'm way back on my schedule, I just wanted to introduce you to Tami and Pepa and share a casual evening with you.
maanantai 8. syyskuuta 2014
Algarrobo Día 2
So here we go with the part two!
After breakfast we went to the beach with Eliana. It was so much fun, the waves were huge and the weather was so perfect and warm, I can't believe this is called winter here...
Afterwards we went to grab some jugos naturales, fresh juice.
Later in the day we took a bus to another beach, Mirasol, with Eliana, Pablo and Elisa.
From left to right: Elisa, Pablo and Eliana.
Me and the way to Mirasol. The view was breathtaking, but I haven't got any good pictures.
Me and Elisa.
Almost there...
Pablo climbing the rock. Obviously I felt jealous so later that day...
We stayed to watch the sunset, as even the name of the place suggests. Mirasol. Mira = look at, sol = the sun. Look at the sun. I do not know this couple but they got into my shot and it ended up cute so they shall end this post too.
Buenas noches,
After breakfast we went to the beach with Eliana. It was so much fun, the waves were huge and the weather was so perfect and warm, I can't believe this is called winter here...
Afterwards we went to grab some jugos naturales, fresh juice.
Later in the day we took a bus to another beach, Mirasol, with Eliana, Pablo and Elisa.
From left to right: Elisa, Pablo and Eliana.
Me and the way to Mirasol. The view was breathtaking, but I haven't got any good pictures.
Me and Elisa.
Almost there...
Pablo climbing the rock. Obviously I felt jealous so later that day...
...I got to climb the rock too! Even though Eliana and Elisa were sure I would end up in the hospital.
We stayed to watch the sunset, as even the name of the place suggests. Mirasol. Mira = look at, sol = the sun. Look at the sun. I do not know this couple but they got into my shot and it ended up cute so they shall end this post too.
Buenas noches,
torstai 4. syyskuuta 2014
Algarrobo Día 1
Moikka! Long time no see... Mutta nyt täällä ollaan ja kerron mun ensimmäisestä viikonlopusta (jollei saapumisviikonloppua lasketa) täällä Chilessä. Kyseessä oli vieläpä pidennetty viikonloppu, perjantai oli vapaa. Lähdettiin torstaina koulun jälkeen hostperheen kanssa ajelemaan Algarroboon, rantakaupunkiin (en tiedä onko oikea termi, ranta siellä kumminkin oli) jossa hosteilla on asunto. Mulla on sieltä aika paljon kuvia joten kerron reissusta kahdessa osassa. Tästä lähtee!
Hello! Long time no see... But here I am and I'm going to tell you about my first weekend (not counting the weekend I arrived) here in Chile. It was luckily also an extended weekend, Friday was a free day from school. After school on thursday we left for Algarrobo with my hostfamily, a beach which is about an hour and a half drive from Peñalolén. I have quite a lot of fotos from there so this will be in two parts. Here we go!
Tällasiin maisemiin herättiin perjantai-aamuna.
This was the view on Friday morning as we woke up.
D E S A Y U N O.
Mentiin hostsiskojen kanssa aamulla kävelylle pihalle.
We went for a walk in the yard with my hostsisters.
Pelattiin hostsisarusten kanssa monopolya, en ollut hirmuhyvä kun en oikein tajunnut mitä kaikki oli mutta Elisa (vanhempi hostsisko) kertoi aina mitä kannattaa ostaa ja mitä ei niin pärjäsin ihan hyvin!
We played monopoly with my hostsilings and I wasn't very good because I didn't understand what things were... But Elisa, my older hostsister told me what I should and shouldn't buy so I did fine!
Pablo ei halunnut kuvaan...
Pablo didn't want to be in the photo...
A very bad quality photo of us (taken by Pablo haha) because it was so dark and we didn't use flash. But here are me, mi hermana Elisa, otro hermana Eliana and Eliana's friend Jesu who came with us.
A L F A J O R E S <3 They're very common here and I love them. It's like this type of cookie which has manjar (other very Chilean thing. Manjar is like caramel but it's more like a jelly and chileans put it everywhere... Me encanta!) in between and they're covered with chocolate. Perfection.
Other cool things. We went to this park kind of thing where people sold things they had made.
C H U R R O S <3 If you don't know what they are, you to either google it or watch the "Los Serranos". In Spain they are "Churros con Chocolate" I believe. But here they are ofcourse: "Churros con Manjar".
Afterwards we went and grabbed some fresh "jugo", juice, and headed back at the apartment. I had a superfun day and got to know everyone better. I will write about the second day tomorrow, now I must go to sleep. Buenas noches!
Hello! Long time no see... But here I am and I'm going to tell you about my first weekend (not counting the weekend I arrived) here in Chile. It was luckily also an extended weekend, Friday was a free day from school. After school on thursday we left for Algarrobo with my hostfamily, a beach which is about an hour and a half drive from Peñalolén. I have quite a lot of fotos from there so this will be in two parts. Here we go!
Tällasiin maisemiin herättiin perjantai-aamuna.
This was the view on Friday morning as we woke up.
D E S A Y U N O.
Mentiin hostsiskojen kanssa aamulla kävelylle pihalle.
We went for a walk in the yard with my hostsisters.
Pelattiin hostsisarusten kanssa monopolya, en ollut hirmuhyvä kun en oikein tajunnut mitä kaikki oli mutta Elisa (vanhempi hostsisko) kertoi aina mitä kannattaa ostaa ja mitä ei niin pärjäsin ihan hyvin!
We played monopoly with my hostsilings and I wasn't very good because I didn't understand what things were... But Elisa, my older hostsister told me what I should and shouldn't buy so I did fine!
Pablo ei halunnut kuvaan...
Pablo didn't want to be in the photo...
A very bad quality photo of us (taken by Pablo haha) because it was so dark and we didn't use flash. But here are me, mi hermana Elisa, otro hermana Eliana and Eliana's friend Jesu who came with us.
A L F A J O R E S <3 They're very common here and I love them. It's like this type of cookie which has manjar (other very Chilean thing. Manjar is like caramel but it's more like a jelly and chileans put it everywhere... Me encanta!) in between and they're covered with chocolate. Perfection.
Other cool things. We went to this park kind of thing where people sold things they had made.
C H U R R O S <3 If you don't know what they are, you to either google it or watch the "Los Serranos". In Spain they are "Churros con Chocolate" I believe. But here they are ofcourse: "Churros con Manjar".
Afterwards we went and grabbed some fresh "jugo", juice, and headed back at the apartment. I had a superfun day and got to know everyone better. I will write about the second day tomorrow, now I must go to sleep. Buenas noches!
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